5 tips on how you can make your everyday office life healthier with small changes
Bring movement into your everyday office life
Eight hours in a chair in front of a computer can strain your body five days a week. Find a coworker to date for a daily walk – someone who will pull you out, even if you say you are too busy. Not only do you burn calories, but you are refreshed and ready to go to work.
If you really can’t get out during your lunch break, park your car further away. So you have a little walk in the morning and the evening. Make it a habit to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Maybe you also have the opportunity to cycle to work. Exercise should become a habit. It is ideal if there are high tables. But even without this, meetings can be held while standing. A positive side effect: meetings are often shorter.
Take every opportunity to get up. For example, when talking on the phone or thinking. Integrate small stretching exercises into your everyday office life. This mobilizes your body, prevents tension, and at the same time increases your concentration and performance.
Drink enough
Headaches often arise when the body is not supplied with enough fluids. Your body needs between 1.5 and 3 liters of water a day. It is best to place a carafe at your desk. If you find water tasteless, spice it up with orange slices, lemons, or small pieces of ginger. You will be surprised how refreshed you feel once you drink enough water.
Do you forget to drink? There are now hundreds of apps that help you to solve your “drinking problem”. You can also set your computer to remind you to drink with a ringtone. There is no better mental stimulus than a loud ringtone to remind you to drink water. In an open-plan office, however, you should discuss it with the team beforehand. Even better: the whole team drinks with you!
Take breaks
Of course, the boss needs the documents on time. But that doesn’t mean that there is no time for breaks. Breaks are important for the body, for the mind, and the soul. Only those who feel comfortable can perform at their best. Health in everyday office life is based on a balance between tension and relaxation. It is therefore important not just to take a long break during the day, but to take regular breaks that help you to relax.
Often it is enough to take a break to go to the toilet or make tea in the kitchen. Breaking doesn’t mean being lazy. On the contrary. You will approach your tasks with fresh thoughts afterward. Neither you nor your employer will benefit from working through it without being really productive. Your boss will definitely be annoyed if you are absent for several weeks or even for a long time due to burnout. The American writer John Ernst Steinbeck wrote: “The art of resting is part of the art of working”.
Staying productive through healthy eating
Deadline pressure, stress, hectic rush often determine our everyday life in the office. There is not enough time to eat and the lunch break is already being worked through. And if you get hungry in between, some people reach for a chocolate bar. These fast food products are not only eaten quickly, but they are also extremely high in calories. In particular, people who sit a lot in the office and do little or no sport after work gain weight quickly with this diet.
To remain productive in the long term, it is important to pay more attention to a conscious diet. Replace sweets with fruit – for a small snack in between. Not only eat healthy at lunchtime but also make sure you eat smaller portions. Share a pizza with your colleague and then eat a salad or a portion of vegetables. It doesn’t matter whether you eat in the canteen or bring something from home. It is important to take time to eat. So you can not only enjoy the meal more, but the feeling of satiety also lasts longer.
Find support from your colleagues. Maybe one day you can bring a mixed salad for two and the next day it will be your colleague’s turn to take care of you.
Make sure that the office chair, desk and monitor are correctly adjusted
View of the office chair
The chair is like a second home because nothing works without it. It is therefore even more important that it not only look good and be comfortable. A good office chair should be adjustable so that it can be adapted to the user. Both the seat depth and the backrest should have different options for adjustment. This is the only way to get a completely natural position when sitting.
View of the desk
The desk should also be customizable. The height should be adjustable so that there is enough space to set up or stretch your legs. It is particularly important that both hands and forearms can rest on the table. When aligning, make sure that the sun does not shine directly on the surface. Ideally, the table has a surface that prevents reflections. Relief of the back can really only be guaranteed if the height of the table is optimally adjusted. As a little additional tip, I recommend that you keep your table tidy, because tidiness is good for the soul.
Look at the screen
Screen work is really hard work for the eyes, shoulders, and neck. The optimal distance to the screen should be about an arm’s length away. You should also be able to comfortably read what’s on the screen without exerting yourself. Increase the font size on your computer if you cannot read it.
Give your eyes little breaks. Deliberately look out of the window and focus on objects near and far. This allows the visual muscles to relax again, and it is no longer either strenuous to look at the screen. We also create additional relaxation when we close our eyes and cover them lightly with our hands. Warmth and darkness are good for our eyes.
Often it is the little things that could make everyday office life much healthier, but which are not recognized. However, if you take the effort and deliberately examine your daily routine in the office, you will find many small adjustment screws with which you can improve your own health management.
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