Job satisfaction – there are factors that are more important than salary
The importance of the salary compared to the exciting job
Various surveys have confirmed that an exciting job is more important than the salary. Conversely, this also means that few can be permanently satisfied with a very well-paid but monotonous job. This is possible for a certain period of time, but not in the long term.
An exciting job ensures that you don’t get bored. You feel fulfilled through your tasks, and activities and you can realize yourself. Money cannot achieve this sustained motivation – it has been proven that a salary increase only motivates for a very short time.
But the salary must in any case be sufficient to ensure a certain standard of living. If you can’t pay your bills, you won’t be happy with a fulfilling job. If this is guaranteed, the majority of employees would prefer an exciting, satisfying job to a boring but better paying job.
What other factors are important?
Not only an exciting job with varied activities is more important than the salary. Other factors such as job security, work-life balance, corporate culture, and collegiality are also essential points that influence employee satisfaction.
Security at work
Not only is an exciting, challenging job important to employees – a secure job is also seen as desirable. Employees appreciate the certainty of having worked for the same employer for a long time. Nobody wants to have to worry about being unemployed overnight.
Work-life balance
The compatibility of family and work is also becoming increasingly important. These include, for example, flexible working hours and the option of working from home. The “work-life balance” is important to many employees – private life must be able to provide a balance to the working day.
Actually, much more than that. In the opinion of employees, private happiness counts much more than professional success. After all, what use is a professional success if one is dissatisfied and unhappy in private?
Corporate culture
In addition, corporate culture is also a factor that is rated more important than salary. Employees must feel comfortable in the company and be able to identify with the company’s values. Otherwise, no matter how great the actual job is, you will be permanently dissatisfied with your job.
Collegiality is also an important factor that no money can outweigh. Employees appreciate cooperative and above all peaceful behavior in the workplace. The solidarity between colleagues and team orientation lead to professional satisfaction. Arguments at work lead to stress that you take home with you.
Job satisfaction? The overall package has to be right!
In summary, it can be said that employees always aim to be satisfied in their job. An exciting job takes care of it more than the salary does. But if the salary is not enough to live on, it is, of course, clear that even an exciting job can not provide compensation.
Non-monetary factors such as job security, work-life balance, corporate culture, and collegiality also lead to higher job satisfaction. Ultimately, however, the overall package has to be right. As soon as one factor is rated as very negative, although everything else fits, this one factor can in the long run be the reason for termination for the employee.
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